30 KB

  1. import re
  2. import warnings
  3. from collections import OrderedDict
  4. from decimal import Decimal
  5. from operator import attrgetter
  6. from urllib.parse import urljoin
  7. from django.core.validators import (
  8. DecimalValidator, EmailValidator, MaxLengthValidator, MaxValueValidator,
  9. MinLengthValidator, MinValueValidator, RegexValidator, URLValidator
  10. )
  11. from django.db import models
  12. from django.utils.encoding import force_str
  13. from rest_framework import (
  14. RemovedInDRF314Warning, exceptions, renderers, serializers
  15. )
  16. from rest_framework.compat import uritemplate
  17. from rest_framework.fields import _UnvalidatedField, empty
  18. from rest_framework.settings import api_settings
  19. from .generators import BaseSchemaGenerator
  20. from .inspectors import ViewInspector
  21. from .utils import get_pk_description, is_list_view
  22. class SchemaGenerator(BaseSchemaGenerator):
  23. def get_info(self):
  24. # Title and version are required by openapi specification 3.x
  25. info = {
  26. 'title': self.title or '',
  27. 'version': self.version or ''
  28. }
  29. if self.description is not None:
  30. info['description'] = self.description
  31. return info
  32. def check_duplicate_operation_id(self, paths):
  33. ids = {}
  34. for route in paths:
  35. for method in paths[route]:
  36. if 'operationId' not in paths[route][method]:
  37. continue
  38. operation_id = paths[route][method]['operationId']
  39. if operation_id in ids:
  40. warnings.warn(
  41. 'You have a duplicated operationId in your OpenAPI schema: {operation_id}\n'
  42. '\tRoute: {route1}, Method: {method1}\n'
  43. '\tRoute: {route2}, Method: {method2}\n'
  44. '\tAn operationId has to be unique across your schema. Your schema may not work in other tools.'
  45. .format(
  46. route1=ids[operation_id]['route'],
  47. method1=ids[operation_id]['method'],
  48. route2=route,
  49. method2=method,
  50. operation_id=operation_id
  51. )
  52. )
  53. ids[operation_id] = {
  54. 'route': route,
  55. 'method': method
  56. }
  57. def get_schema(self, request=None, public=False):
  58. """
  59. Generate a OpenAPI schema.
  60. """
  61. self._initialise_endpoints()
  62. components_schemas = {}
  63. # Iterate endpoints generating per method path operations.
  64. paths = {}
  65. _, view_endpoints = self._get_paths_and_endpoints(None if public else request)
  66. for path, method, view in view_endpoints:
  67. if not self.has_view_permissions(path, method, view):
  68. continue
  69. operation = view.schema.get_operation(path, method)
  70. components = view.schema.get_components(path, method)
  71. for k in components.keys():
  72. if k not in components_schemas:
  73. continue
  74. if components_schemas[k] == components[k]:
  75. continue
  76. warnings.warn('Schema component "{}" has been overriden with a different value.'.format(k))
  77. components_schemas.update(components)
  78. # Normalise path for any provided mount url.
  79. if path.startswith('/'):
  80. path = path[1:]
  81. path = urljoin(self.url or '/', path)
  82. paths.setdefault(path, {})
  83. paths[path][method.lower()] = operation
  84. self.check_duplicate_operation_id(paths)
  85. # Compile final schema.
  86. schema = {
  87. 'openapi': '3.0.2',
  88. 'info': self.get_info(),
  89. 'paths': paths,
  90. }
  91. if len(components_schemas) > 0:
  92. schema['components'] = {
  93. 'schemas': components_schemas
  94. }
  95. return schema
  96. # View Inspectors
  97. class AutoSchema(ViewInspector):
  98. def __init__(self, tags=None, operation_id_base=None, component_name=None):
  99. """
  100. :param operation_id_base: user-defined name in operationId. If empty, it will be deducted from the Model/Serializer/View name.
  101. :param component_name: user-defined component's name. If empty, it will be deducted from the Serializer's class name.
  102. """
  103. if tags and not all(isinstance(tag, str) for tag in tags):
  104. raise ValueError('tags must be a list or tuple of string.')
  105. self._tags = tags
  106. self.operation_id_base = operation_id_base
  107. self.component_name = component_name
  108. super().__init__()
  109. request_media_types = []
  110. response_media_types = []
  111. method_mapping = {
  112. 'get': 'retrieve',
  113. 'post': 'create',
  114. 'put': 'update',
  115. 'patch': 'partialUpdate',
  116. 'delete': 'destroy',
  117. }
  118. def get_operation(self, path, method):
  119. operation = {}
  120. operation['operationId'] = self.get_operation_id(path, method)
  121. operation['description'] = self.get_description(path, method)
  122. parameters = []
  123. parameters += self.get_path_parameters(path, method)
  124. parameters += self.get_pagination_parameters(path, method)
  125. parameters += self.get_filter_parameters(path, method)
  126. operation['parameters'] = parameters
  127. request_body = self.get_request_body(path, method)
  128. if request_body:
  129. operation['requestBody'] = request_body
  130. operation['responses'] = self.get_responses(path, method)
  131. operation['tags'] = self.get_tags(path, method)
  132. return operation
  133. def get_component_name(self, serializer):
  134. """
  135. Compute the component's name from the serializer.
  136. Raise an exception if the serializer's class name is "Serializer" (case-insensitive).
  137. """
  138. if self.component_name is not None:
  139. return self.component_name
  140. # use the serializer's class name as the component name.
  141. component_name = serializer.__class__.__name__
  142. # We remove the "serializer" string from the class name.
  143. pattern = re.compile("serializer", re.IGNORECASE)
  144. component_name = pattern.sub("", component_name)
  145. if component_name == "":
  146. raise Exception(
  147. '"{}" is an invalid class name for schema generation. '
  148. 'Serializer\'s class name should be unique and explicit. e.g. "ItemSerializer"'
  149. .format(serializer.__class__.__name__)
  150. )
  151. return component_name
  152. def get_components(self, path, method):
  153. """
  154. Return components with their properties from the serializer.
  155. """
  156. if method.lower() == 'delete':
  157. return {}
  158. request_serializer = self.get_request_serializer(path, method)
  159. response_serializer = self.get_response_serializer(path, method)
  160. components = {}
  161. if isinstance(request_serializer, serializers.Serializer):
  162. component_name = self.get_component_name(request_serializer)
  163. content = self.map_serializer(request_serializer)
  164. components.setdefault(component_name, content)
  165. if isinstance(response_serializer, serializers.Serializer):
  166. component_name = self.get_component_name(response_serializer)
  167. content = self.map_serializer(response_serializer)
  168. components.setdefault(component_name, content)
  169. return components
  170. def _to_camel_case(self, snake_str):
  171. components = snake_str.split('_')
  172. # We capitalize the first letter of each component except the first one
  173. # with the 'title' method and join them together.
  174. return components[0] + ''.join(x.title() for x in components[1:])
  175. def get_operation_id_base(self, path, method, action):
  176. """
  177. Compute the base part for operation ID from the model, serializer or view name.
  178. """
  179. model = getattr(getattr(self.view, 'queryset', None), 'model', None)
  180. if self.operation_id_base is not None:
  181. name = self.operation_id_base
  182. # Try to deduce the ID from the view's model
  183. elif model is not None:
  184. name = model.__name__
  185. # Try with the serializer class name
  186. elif self.get_serializer(path, method) is not None:
  187. name = self.get_serializer(path, method).__class__.__name__
  188. if name.endswith('Serializer'):
  189. name = name[:-10]
  190. # Fallback to the view name
  191. else:
  192. name = self.view.__class__.__name__
  193. if name.endswith('APIView'):
  194. name = name[:-7]
  195. elif name.endswith('View'):
  196. name = name[:-4]
  197. # Due to camel-casing of classes and `action` being lowercase, apply title in order to find if action truly
  198. # comes at the end of the name
  199. if name.endswith(action.title()): # ListView, UpdateAPIView, ThingDelete ...
  200. name = name[:-len(action)]
  201. if action == 'list' and not name.endswith('s'): # listThings instead of listThing
  202. name += 's'
  203. return name
  204. def get_operation_id(self, path, method):
  205. """
  206. Compute an operation ID from the view type and get_operation_id_base method.
  207. """
  208. method_name = getattr(self.view, 'action', method.lower())
  209. if is_list_view(path, method, self.view):
  210. action = 'list'
  211. elif method_name not in self.method_mapping:
  212. action = self._to_camel_case(method_name)
  213. else:
  214. action = self.method_mapping[method.lower()]
  215. name = self.get_operation_id_base(path, method, action)
  216. return action + name
  217. def get_path_parameters(self, path, method):
  218. """
  219. Return a list of parameters from templated path variables.
  220. """
  221. assert uritemplate, '`uritemplate` must be installed for OpenAPI schema support.'
  222. model = getattr(getattr(self.view, 'queryset', None), 'model', None)
  223. parameters = []
  224. for variable in uritemplate.variables(path):
  225. description = ''
  226. if model is not None: # TODO: test this.
  227. # Attempt to infer a field description if possible.
  228. try:
  229. model_field = model._meta.get_field(variable)
  230. except Exception:
  231. model_field = None
  232. if model_field is not None and model_field.help_text:
  233. description = force_str(model_field.help_text)
  234. elif model_field is not None and model_field.primary_key:
  235. description = get_pk_description(model, model_field)
  236. parameter = {
  237. "name": variable,
  238. "in": "path",
  239. "required": True,
  240. "description": description,
  241. 'schema': {
  242. 'type': 'string', # TODO: integer, pattern, ...
  243. },
  244. }
  245. parameters.append(parameter)
  246. return parameters
  247. def get_filter_parameters(self, path, method):
  248. if not self.allows_filters(path, method):
  249. return []
  250. parameters = []
  251. for filter_backend in self.view.filter_backends:
  252. parameters += filter_backend().get_schema_operation_parameters(self.view)
  253. return parameters
  254. def allows_filters(self, path, method):
  255. """
  256. Determine whether to include filter Fields in schema.
  257. Default implementation looks for ModelViewSet or GenericAPIView
  258. actions/methods that cause filtering on the default implementation.
  259. """
  260. if getattr(self.view, 'filter_backends', None) is None:
  261. return False
  262. if hasattr(self.view, 'action'):
  263. return self.view.action in ["list", "retrieve", "update", "partial_update", "destroy"]
  264. return method.lower() in ["get", "put", "patch", "delete"]
  265. def get_pagination_parameters(self, path, method):
  266. view = self.view
  267. if not is_list_view(path, method, view):
  268. return []
  269. paginator = self.get_paginator()
  270. if not paginator:
  271. return []
  272. return paginator.get_schema_operation_parameters(view)
  273. def map_choicefield(self, field):
  274. choices = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(field.choices)) # preserve order and remove duplicates
  275. if all(isinstance(choice, bool) for choice in choices):
  276. type = 'boolean'
  277. elif all(isinstance(choice, int) for choice in choices):
  278. type = 'integer'
  279. elif all(isinstance(choice, (int, float, Decimal)) for choice in choices): # `number` includes `integer`
  280. # Ref:
  281. type = 'number'
  282. elif all(isinstance(choice, str) for choice in choices):
  283. type = 'string'
  284. else:
  285. type = None
  286. mapping = {
  287. # The value of `enum` keyword MUST be an array and SHOULD be unique.
  288. # Ref:
  289. 'enum': choices
  290. }
  291. # If We figured out `type` then and only then we should set it. It must be a string.
  292. # Ref:
  293. # It is optional but it can not be null.
  294. # Ref:
  295. if type:
  296. mapping['type'] = type
  297. return mapping
  298. def map_field(self, field):
  299. # Nested Serializers, `many` or not.
  300. if isinstance(field, serializers.ListSerializer):
  301. return {
  302. 'type': 'array',
  303. 'items': self.map_serializer(field.child)
  304. }
  305. if isinstance(field, serializers.Serializer):
  306. data = self.map_serializer(field)
  307. data['type'] = 'object'
  308. return data
  309. # Related fields.
  310. if isinstance(field, serializers.ManyRelatedField):
  311. return {
  312. 'type': 'array',
  313. 'items': self.map_field(field.child_relation)
  314. }
  315. if isinstance(field, serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField):
  316. model = getattr(field.queryset, 'model', None)
  317. if model is not None:
  318. model_field =
  319. if isinstance(model_field, models.AutoField):
  320. return {'type': 'integer'}
  321. # ChoiceFields (single and multiple).
  322. # Q:
  323. # - Is 'type' required?
  324. # - can we determine the TYPE of a choicefield?
  325. if isinstance(field, serializers.MultipleChoiceField):
  326. return {
  327. 'type': 'array',
  328. 'items': self.map_choicefield(field)
  329. }
  330. if isinstance(field, serializers.ChoiceField):
  331. return self.map_choicefield(field)
  332. # ListField.
  333. if isinstance(field, serializers.ListField):
  334. mapping = {
  335. 'type': 'array',
  336. 'items': {},
  337. }
  338. if not isinstance(field.child, _UnvalidatedField):
  339. mapping['items'] = self.map_field(field.child)
  340. return mapping
  341. # DateField and DateTimeField type is string
  342. if isinstance(field, serializers.DateField):
  343. return {
  344. 'type': 'string',
  345. 'format': 'date',
  346. }
  347. if isinstance(field, serializers.DateTimeField):
  348. return {
  349. 'type': 'string',
  350. 'format': 'date-time',
  351. }
  352. # "Formats such as "email", "uuid", and so on, MAY be used even though undefined by this specification."
  353. # see:
  354. # see also:
  355. if isinstance(field, serializers.EmailField):
  356. return {
  357. 'type': 'string',
  358. 'format': 'email'
  359. }
  360. if isinstance(field, serializers.URLField):
  361. return {
  362. 'type': 'string',
  363. 'format': 'uri'
  364. }
  365. if isinstance(field, serializers.UUIDField):
  366. return {
  367. 'type': 'string',
  368. 'format': 'uuid'
  369. }
  370. if isinstance(field, serializers.IPAddressField):
  371. content = {
  372. 'type': 'string',
  373. }
  374. if field.protocol != 'both':
  375. content['format'] = field.protocol
  376. return content
  377. if isinstance(field, serializers.DecimalField):
  378. if getattr(field, 'coerce_to_string', api_settings.COERCE_DECIMAL_TO_STRING):
  379. content = {
  380. 'type': 'string',
  381. 'format': 'decimal',
  382. }
  383. else:
  384. content = {
  385. 'type': 'number'
  386. }
  387. if field.decimal_places:
  388. content['multipleOf'] = float('.' + (field.decimal_places - 1) * '0' + '1')
  389. if field.max_whole_digits:
  390. content['maximum'] = int(field.max_whole_digits * '9') + 1
  391. content['minimum'] = -content['maximum']
  392. self._map_min_max(field, content)
  393. return content
  394. if isinstance(field, serializers.FloatField):
  395. content = {
  396. 'type': 'number',
  397. }
  398. self._map_min_max(field, content)
  399. return content
  400. if isinstance(field, serializers.IntegerField):
  401. content = {
  402. 'type': 'integer'
  403. }
  404. self._map_min_max(field, content)
  405. # 2147483647 is max for int32_size, so we use int64 for format
  406. if int(content.get('maximum', 0)) > 2147483647 or int(content.get('minimum', 0)) > 2147483647:
  407. content['format'] = 'int64'
  408. return content
  409. if isinstance(field, serializers.FileField):
  410. return {
  411. 'type': 'string',
  412. 'format': 'binary'
  413. }
  414. # Simplest cases, default to 'string' type:
  416. serializers.BooleanField: 'boolean',
  417. serializers.JSONField: 'object',
  418. serializers.DictField: 'object',
  419. serializers.HStoreField: 'object',
  420. }
  421. return {'type': FIELD_CLASS_SCHEMA_TYPE.get(field.__class__, 'string')}
  422. def _map_min_max(self, field, content):
  423. if field.max_value:
  424. content['maximum'] = field.max_value
  425. if field.min_value:
  426. content['minimum'] = field.min_value
  427. def map_serializer(self, serializer):
  428. # Assuming we have a valid serializer instance.
  429. required = []
  430. properties = {}
  431. for field in serializer.fields.values():
  432. if isinstance(field, serializers.HiddenField):
  433. continue
  434. if field.required:
  435. required.append(field.field_name)
  436. schema = self.map_field(field)
  437. if field.read_only:
  438. schema['readOnly'] = True
  439. if field.write_only:
  440. schema['writeOnly'] = True
  441. if field.allow_null:
  442. schema['nullable'] = True
  443. if field.default is not None and field.default != empty and not callable(field.default):
  444. schema['default'] = field.default
  445. if field.help_text:
  446. schema['description'] = str(field.help_text)
  447. self.map_field_validators(field, schema)
  448. properties[field.field_name] = schema
  449. result = {
  450. 'type': 'object',
  451. 'properties': properties
  452. }
  453. if required:
  454. result['required'] = required
  455. return result
  456. def map_field_validators(self, field, schema):
  457. """
  458. map field validators
  459. """
  460. for v in field.validators:
  461. # "Formats such as "email", "uuid", and so on, MAY be used even though undefined by this specification."
  462. #
  463. if isinstance(v, EmailValidator):
  464. schema['format'] = 'email'
  465. if isinstance(v, URLValidator):
  466. schema['format'] = 'uri'
  467. if isinstance(v, RegexValidator):
  468. # In Python, the token \Z does what \z does in other engines.
  469. #
  470. schema['pattern'] = v.regex.pattern.replace('\\Z', '\\z')
  471. elif isinstance(v, MaxLengthValidator):
  472. attr_name = 'maxLength'
  473. if isinstance(field, serializers.ListField):
  474. attr_name = 'maxItems'
  475. schema[attr_name] = v.limit_value
  476. elif isinstance(v, MinLengthValidator):
  477. attr_name = 'minLength'
  478. if isinstance(field, serializers.ListField):
  479. attr_name = 'minItems'
  480. schema[attr_name] = v.limit_value
  481. elif isinstance(v, MaxValueValidator):
  482. schema['maximum'] = v.limit_value
  483. elif isinstance(v, MinValueValidator):
  484. schema['minimum'] = v.limit_value
  485. elif isinstance(v, DecimalValidator) and \
  486. not getattr(field, 'coerce_to_string', api_settings.COERCE_DECIMAL_TO_STRING):
  487. if v.decimal_places:
  488. schema['multipleOf'] = float('.' + (v.decimal_places - 1) * '0' + '1')
  489. if v.max_digits:
  490. digits = v.max_digits
  491. if v.decimal_places is not None and v.decimal_places > 0:
  492. digits -= v.decimal_places
  493. schema['maximum'] = int(digits * '9') + 1
  494. schema['minimum'] = -schema['maximum']
  495. def get_paginator(self):
  496. pagination_class = getattr(self.view, 'pagination_class', None)
  497. if pagination_class:
  498. return pagination_class()
  499. return None
  500. def map_parsers(self, path, method):
  501. return list(map(attrgetter('media_type'), self.view.parser_classes))
  502. def map_renderers(self, path, method):
  503. media_types = []
  504. for renderer in self.view.renderer_classes:
  505. # BrowsableAPIRenderer not relevant to OpenAPI spec
  506. if issubclass(renderer, renderers.BrowsableAPIRenderer):
  507. continue
  508. media_types.append(renderer.media_type)
  509. return media_types
  510. def get_serializer(self, path, method):
  511. view = self.view
  512. if not hasattr(view, 'get_serializer'):
  513. return None
  514. try:
  515. return view.get_serializer()
  516. except exceptions.APIException:
  517. warnings.warn('{}.get_serializer() raised an exception during '
  518. 'schema generation. Serializer fields will not be '
  519. 'generated for {} {}.'
  520. .format(view.__class__.__name__, method, path))
  521. return None
  522. def get_request_serializer(self, path, method):
  523. """
  524. Override this method if your view uses a different serializer for
  525. handling request body.
  526. """
  527. return self.get_serializer(path, method)
  528. def get_response_serializer(self, path, method):
  529. """
  530. Override this method if your view uses a different serializer for
  531. populating response data.
  532. """
  533. return self.get_serializer(path, method)
  534. def _get_reference(self, serializer):
  535. return {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/{}'.format(self.get_component_name(serializer))}
  536. def get_request_body(self, path, method):
  537. if method not in ('PUT', 'PATCH', 'POST'):
  538. return {}
  539. self.request_media_types = self.map_parsers(path, method)
  540. serializer = self.get_request_serializer(path, method)
  541. if not isinstance(serializer, serializers.Serializer):
  542. item_schema = {}
  543. else:
  544. item_schema = self._get_reference(serializer)
  545. return {
  546. 'content': {
  547. ct: {'schema': item_schema}
  548. for ct in self.request_media_types
  549. }
  550. }
  551. def get_responses(self, path, method):
  552. if method == 'DELETE':
  553. return {
  554. '204': {
  555. 'description': ''
  556. }
  557. }
  558. self.response_media_types = self.map_renderers(path, method)
  559. serializer = self.get_response_serializer(path, method)
  560. if not isinstance(serializer, serializers.Serializer):
  561. item_schema = {}
  562. else:
  563. item_schema = self._get_reference(serializer)
  564. if is_list_view(path, method, self.view):
  565. response_schema = {
  566. 'type': 'array',
  567. 'items': item_schema,
  568. }
  569. paginator = self.get_paginator()
  570. if paginator:
  571. response_schema = paginator.get_paginated_response_schema(response_schema)
  572. else:
  573. response_schema = item_schema
  574. status_code = '201' if method == 'POST' else '200'
  575. return {
  576. status_code: {
  577. 'content': {
  578. ct: {'schema': response_schema}
  579. for ct in self.response_media_types
  580. },
  581. # description is a mandatory property,
  582. #
  583. # TODO: put something meaningful into it
  584. 'description': ""
  585. }
  586. }
  587. def get_tags(self, path, method):
  588. # If user have specified tags, use them.
  589. if self._tags:
  590. return self._tags
  591. # First element of a specific path could be valid tag. This is a fallback solution.
  592. # PUT, PATCH, GET(Retrieve), DELETE: /user_profile/{id}/ tags = [user-profile]
  593. # POST, GET(List): /user_profile/ tags = [user-profile]
  594. if path.startswith('/'):
  595. path = path[1:]
  596. return [path.split('/')[0].replace('_', '-')]
  597. def _get_path_parameters(self, path, method):
  598. warnings.warn(
  599. "Method `_get_path_parameters()` has been renamed to `get_path_parameters()`. "
  600. "The old name will be removed in DRF v3.14.",
  601. RemovedInDRF314Warning, stacklevel=2
  602. )
  603. return self.get_path_parameters(path, method)
  604. def _get_filter_parameters(self, path, method):
  605. warnings.warn(
  606. "Method `_get_filter_parameters()` has been renamed to `get_filter_parameters()`. "
  607. "The old name will be removed in DRF v3.14.",
  608. RemovedInDRF314Warning, stacklevel=2
  609. )
  610. return self.get_filter_parameters(path, method)
  611. def _get_responses(self, path, method):
  612. warnings.warn(
  613. "Method `_get_responses()` has been renamed to `get_responses()`. "
  614. "The old name will be removed in DRF v3.14.",
  615. RemovedInDRF314Warning, stacklevel=2
  616. )
  617. return self.get_responses(path, method)
  618. def _get_request_body(self, path, method):
  619. warnings.warn(
  620. "Method `_get_request_body()` has been renamed to `get_request_body()`. "
  621. "The old name will be removed in DRF v3.14.",
  622. RemovedInDRF314Warning, stacklevel=2
  623. )
  624. return self.get_request_body(path, method)
  625. def _get_serializer(self, path, method):
  626. warnings.warn(
  627. "Method `_get_serializer()` has been renamed to `get_serializer()`. "
  628. "The old name will be removed in DRF v3.14.",
  629. RemovedInDRF314Warning, stacklevel=2
  630. )
  631. return self.get_serializer(path, method)
  632. def _get_paginator(self):
  633. warnings.warn(
  634. "Method `_get_paginator()` has been renamed to `get_paginator()`. "
  635. "The old name will be removed in DRF v3.14.",
  636. RemovedInDRF314Warning, stacklevel=2
  637. )
  638. return self.get_paginator()
  639. def _map_field_validators(self, field, schema):
  640. warnings.warn(
  641. "Method `_map_field_validators()` has been renamed to `map_field_validators()`. "
  642. "The old name will be removed in DRF v3.14.",
  643. RemovedInDRF314Warning, stacklevel=2
  644. )
  645. return self.map_field_validators(field, schema)
  646. def _map_serializer(self, serializer):
  647. warnings.warn(
  648. "Method `_map_serializer()` has been renamed to `map_serializer()`. "
  649. "The old name will be removed in DRF v3.14.",
  650. RemovedInDRF314Warning, stacklevel=2
  651. )
  652. return self.map_serializer(serializer)
  653. def _map_field(self, field):
  654. warnings.warn(
  655. "Method `_map_field()` has been renamed to `map_field()`. "
  656. "The old name will be removed in DRF v3.14.",
  657. RemovedInDRF314Warning, stacklevel=2
  658. )
  659. return self.map_field(field)
  660. def _map_choicefield(self, field):
  661. warnings.warn(
  662. "Method `_map_choicefield()` has been renamed to `map_choicefield()`. "
  663. "The old name will be removed in DRF v3.14.",
  664. RemovedInDRF314Warning, stacklevel=2
  665. )
  666. return self.map_choicefield(field)
  667. def _get_pagination_parameters(self, path, method):
  668. warnings.warn(
  669. "Method `_get_pagination_parameters()` has been renamed to `get_pagination_parameters()`. "
  670. "The old name will be removed in DRF v3.14.",
  671. RemovedInDRF314Warning, stacklevel=2
  672. )
  673. return self.get_pagination_parameters(path, method)
  674. def _allows_filters(self, path, method):
  675. warnings.warn(
  676. "Method `_allows_filters()` has been renamed to `allows_filters()`. "
  677. "The old name will be removed in DRF v3.14.",
  678. RemovedInDRF314Warning, stacklevel=2
  679. )
  680. return self.allows_filters(path, method)