123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """pipreqs - Generate pip requirements.txt file based on imports
- Usage:
- pipreqs [options] [<path>]
- Arguments:
- <path> The path to the directory containing the application
- files for which a requirements file should be
- generated (defaults to the current working
- directory).
- Options:
- --use-local Use ONLY local package info instead of querying PyPI.
- --pypi-server <url> Use custom PyPi server.
- --proxy <url> Use Proxy, parameter will be passed to requests
- library. You can also just set the environments
- parameter in your terminal:
- $ export HTTP_PROXY=""
- $ export HTTPS_PROXY=""
- --debug Print debug information
- --ignore <dirs>... Ignore extra directories, each separated by a comma
- --no-follow-links Do not follow symbolic links in the project
- --encoding <charset> Use encoding parameter for file open
- --savepath <file> Save the list of requirements in the given file
- --print Output the list of requirements in the standard
- output
- --force Overwrite existing requirements.txt
- --diff <file> Compare modules in requirements.txt to project
- imports
- --clean <file> Clean up requirements.txt by removing modules
- that are not imported in project
- --mode <scheme> Enables dynamic versioning with <compat>,
- <gt> or <non-pin> schemes.
- <compat> | e.g. Flask~=1.1.2
- <gt> | e.g. Flask>=1.1.2
- <no-pin> | e.g. Flask
- """
- from contextlib import contextmanager
- import os
- import sys
- import re
- import logging
- import ast
- import traceback
- from docopt import docopt
- import requests
- from yarg import json2package
- from yarg.exceptions import HTTPError
- from pipreqs import __version__
- REGEXP = [
- re.compile(r'^import (.+)$'),
- re.compile(r'^from ((?!\.+).*?) import (?:.*)$')
- ]
- @contextmanager
- def _open(filename=None, mode='r'):
- """Open a file or ``sys.stdout`` depending on the provided filename.
- Args:
- filename (str): The path to the file that should be opened. If
- ``None`` or ``'-'``, ``sys.stdout`` or ``sys.stdin`` is
- returned depending on the desired mode. Defaults to ``None``.
- mode (str): The mode that should be used to open the file.
- Yields:
- A file handle.
- """
- if not filename or filename == '-':
- if not mode or 'r' in mode:
- file = sys.stdin
- elif 'w' in mode:
- file = sys.stdout
- else:
- raise ValueError('Invalid mode for file: {}'.format(mode))
- else:
- file = open(filename, mode)
- try:
- yield file
- finally:
- if file not in (sys.stdin, sys.stdout):
- file.close()
- def get_all_imports(
- path, encoding=None, extra_ignore_dirs=None, follow_links=True):
- imports = set()
- raw_imports = set()
- candidates = []
- ignore_errors = False
- ignore_dirs = [".hg", ".svn", ".git", ".tox", "__pycache__", "env", "venv"]
- if extra_ignore_dirs:
- ignore_dirs_parsed = []
- for e in extra_ignore_dirs:
- ignore_dirs_parsed.append(os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(e)))
- ignore_dirs.extend(ignore_dirs_parsed)
- walk = os.walk(path, followlinks=follow_links)
- for root, dirs, files in walk:
- dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in ignore_dirs]
- candidates.append(os.path.basename(root))
- files = [fn for fn in files if os.path.splitext(fn)[1] == ".py"]
- candidates += [os.path.splitext(fn)[0] for fn in files]
- for file_name in files:
- file_name = os.path.join(root, file_name)
- with open(file_name, "r", encoding=encoding) as f:
- contents = f.read()
- try:
- tree = ast.parse(contents)
- for node in ast.walk(tree):
- if isinstance(node, ast.Import):
- for subnode in node.names:
- raw_imports.add(subnode.name)
- elif isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom):
- raw_imports.add(node.module)
- except Exception as exc:
- if ignore_errors:
- traceback.print_exc(exc)
- logging.warn("Failed on file: %s" % file_name)
- continue
- else:
- logging.error("Failed on file: %s" % file_name)
- raise exc
- # Clean up imports
- for name in [n for n in raw_imports if n]:
- # Sanity check: Name could have been None if the import
- # statement was as ``from . import X``
- # Cleanup: We only want to first part of the import.
- # Ex: from django.conf --> django.conf. But we only want django
- # as an import.
- cleaned_name, _, _ = name.partition('.')
- imports.add(cleaned_name)
- packages = imports - (set(candidates) & imports)
- logging.debug('Found packages: {0}'.format(packages))
- with open(join("stdlib"), "r") as f:
- data = {x.strip() for x in f}
- return list(packages - data)
- def filter_line(line):
- return len(line) > 0 and line[0] != "#"
- def generate_requirements_file(path, imports, symbol):
- with _open(path, "w") as out_file:
- logging.debug('Writing {num} requirements: {imports} to {file}'.format(
- num=len(imports),
- file=path,
- imports=", ".join([x['name'] for x in imports])
- ))
- fmt = '{name}' + symbol + '{version}'
- out_file.write('\n'.join(
- fmt.format(**item) if item['version'] else '{name}'.format(**item)
- for item in imports) + '\n')
- def output_requirements(imports, symbol):
- generate_requirements_file('-', imports, symbol)
- def get_imports_info(
- imports, pypi_server="https://pypi.python.org/pypi/", proxy=None):
- result = []
- for item in imports:
- try:
- response = requests.get(
- "{0}{1}/json".format(pypi_server, item), proxies=proxy)
- if response.status_code == 200:
- if hasattr(response.content, 'decode'):
- data = json2package(response.content.decode())
- else:
- data = json2package(response.content)
- elif response.status_code >= 300:
- raise HTTPError(status_code=response.status_code,
- reason=response.reason)
- except HTTPError:
- logging.debug(
- 'Package %s does not exist or network problems', item)
- continue
- result.append({'name': item, 'version': data.latest_release_id})
- return result
- def get_locally_installed_packages(encoding=None):
- packages = {}
- ignore = ["tests", "_tests", "egg", "EGG", "info"]
- for path in sys.path:
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- for item in files:
- if "top_level" in item:
- item = os.path.join(root, item)
- with open(item, "r", encoding=encoding) as f:
- package = root.split(os.sep)[-1].split("-")
- try:
- package_import = f.read().strip().split("\n")
- except: # NOQA
- # TODO: What errors do we intend to suppress here?
- continue
- for i_item in package_import:
- if ((i_item not in ignore) and
- (package[0] not in ignore)):
- version = None
- if len(package) > 1:
- version = package[1].replace(
- ".dist", "").replace(".egg", "")
- packages[i_item] = {
- 'version': version,
- 'name': package[0]
- }
- return packages
- def get_import_local(imports, encoding=None):
- local = get_locally_installed_packages()
- result = []
- for item in imports:
- if item.lower() in local:
- result.append(local[item.lower()])
- # removing duplicates of package/version
- result_unique = [
- dict(t)
- for t in set([
- tuple(d.items()) for d in result
- ])
- ]
- return result_unique
- def get_pkg_names(pkgs):
- """Get PyPI package names from a list of imports.
- Args:
- pkgs (List[str]): List of import names.
- Returns:
- List[str]: The corresponding PyPI package names.
- """
- result = set()
- with open(join("mapping"), "r") as f:
- data = dict(x.strip().split(":") for x in f)
- for pkg in pkgs:
- # Look up the mapped requirement. If a mapping isn't found,
- # simply use the package name.
- result.add(data.get(pkg, pkg))
- # Return a sorted list for backward compatibility.
- return sorted(result, key=lambda s: s.lower())
- def get_name_without_alias(name):
- if "import " in name:
- match = REGEXP[0].match(name.strip())
- if match:
- name = match.groups(0)[0]
- return name.partition(' as ')[0].partition('.')[0].strip()
- def join(f):
- return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f)
- def parse_requirements(file_):
- """Parse a requirements formatted file.
- Traverse a string until a delimiter is detected, then split at said
- delimiter, get module name by element index, create a dict consisting of
- module:version, and add dict to list of parsed modules.
- Args:
- file_: File to parse.
- Raises:
- OSerror: If there's any issues accessing the file.
- Returns:
- tuple: The contents of the file, excluding comments.
- """
- modules = []
- # For the dependency identifier specification, see
- # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/#complete-grammar
- delim = ["<", ">", "=", "!", "~"]
- try:
- f = open(file_, "r")
- except OSError:
- logging.error("Failed on file: {}".format(file_))
- raise
- else:
- try:
- data = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines() if x != "\n"]
- finally:
- f.close()
- data = [x for x in data if x[0].isalpha()]
- for x in data:
- # Check for modules w/o a specifier.
- if not any([y in x for y in delim]):
- modules.append({"name": x, "version": None})
- for y in x:
- if y in delim:
- module = x.split(y)
- module_name = module[0]
- module_version = module[-1].replace("=", "")
- module = {"name": module_name, "version": module_version}
- if module not in modules:
- modules.append(module)
- break
- return modules
- def compare_modules(file_, imports):
- """Compare modules in a file to imported modules in a project.
- Args:
- file_ (str): File to parse for modules to be compared.
- imports (tuple): Modules being imported in the project.
- Returns:
- tuple: The modules not imported in the project, but do exist in the
- specified file.
- """
- modules = parse_requirements(file_)
- imports = [imports[i]["name"] for i in range(len(imports))]
- modules = [modules[i]["name"] for i in range(len(modules))]
- modules_not_imported = set(modules) - set(imports)
- return modules_not_imported
- def diff(file_, imports):
- """Display the difference between modules in a file and imported modules.""" # NOQA
- modules_not_imported = compare_modules(file_, imports)
- logging.info(
- "The following modules are in {} but do not seem to be imported: "
- "{}".format(file_, ", ".join(x for x in modules_not_imported)))
- def clean(file_, imports):
- """Remove modules that aren't imported in project from file."""
- modules_not_imported = compare_modules(file_, imports)
- if len(modules_not_imported) == 0:
- logging.info("Nothing to clean in " + file_)
- return
- re_remove = re.compile("|".join(modules_not_imported))
- to_write = []
- try:
- f = open(file_, "r+")
- except OSError:
- logging.error("Failed on file: {}".format(file_))
- raise
- else:
- try:
- for i in f.readlines():
- if re_remove.match(i) is None:
- to_write.append(i)
- f.seek(0)
- f.truncate()
- for i in to_write:
- f.write(i)
- finally:
- f.close()
- logging.info("Successfully cleaned up requirements in " + file_)
- def dynamic_versioning(scheme, imports):
- """Enables dynamic versioning with <compat>, <gt> or <non-pin> schemes."""
- if scheme == "no-pin":
- imports = [{"name": item["name"], "version": ""} for item in imports]
- symbol = ""
- elif scheme == "gt":
- symbol = ">="
- elif scheme == "compat":
- symbol = "~="
- return imports, symbol
- def init(args):
- encoding = args.get('--encoding')
- extra_ignore_dirs = args.get('--ignore')
- follow_links = not args.get('--no-follow-links')
- input_path = args['<path>']
- if input_path is None:
- input_path = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
- if extra_ignore_dirs:
- extra_ignore_dirs = extra_ignore_dirs.split(',')
- candidates = get_all_imports(input_path,
- encoding=encoding,
- extra_ignore_dirs=extra_ignore_dirs,
- follow_links=follow_links)
- candidates = get_pkg_names(candidates)
- logging.debug("Found imports: " + ", ".join(candidates))
- pypi_server = "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/"
- proxy = None
- if args["--pypi-server"]:
- pypi_server = args["--pypi-server"]
- if args["--proxy"]:
- proxy = {'http': args["--proxy"], 'https': args["--proxy"]}
- if args["--use-local"]:
- logging.debug(
- "Getting package information ONLY from local installation.")
- imports = get_import_local(candidates, encoding=encoding)
- else:
- logging.debug("Getting packages information from Local/PyPI")
- local = get_import_local(candidates, encoding=encoding)
- # Get packages that were not found locally
- difference = [x for x in candidates
- if x.lower() not in [z['name'].lower() for z in local]]
- imports = local + get_imports_info(difference,
- proxy=proxy,
- pypi_server=pypi_server)
- # sort imports based on lowercase name of package, similar to `pip freeze`.
- imports = sorted(imports, key=lambda x: x['name'].lower())
- path = (args["--savepath"] if args["--savepath"] else
- os.path.join(input_path, "requirements.txt"))
- if args["--diff"]:
- diff(args["--diff"], imports)
- return
- if args["--clean"]:
- clean(args["--clean"], imports)
- return
- if (not args["--print"]
- and not args["--savepath"]
- and not args["--force"]
- and os.path.exists(path)):
- logging.warning("requirements.txt already exists, "
- "use --force to overwrite it")
- return
- if args["--mode"]:
- scheme = args.get("--mode")
- if scheme in ["compat", "gt", "no-pin"]:
- imports, symbol = dynamic_versioning(scheme, imports)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid argument for mode flag, "
- "use 'compat', 'gt' or 'no-pin' instead")
- else:
- symbol = "=="
- if args["--print"]:
- output_requirements(imports, symbol)
- logging.info("Successfully output requirements")
- else:
- generate_requirements_file(path, imports, symbol)
- logging.info("Successfully saved requirements file in " + path)
- def main(): # pragma: no cover
- args = docopt(__doc__, version=__version__)
- log_level = logging.DEBUG if args['--debug'] else logging.INFO
- logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
- try:
- init(args)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- sys.exit(0)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main() # pragma: no cover