1. Metadata-Version: 2.1
  2. Name: pipreqs
  3. Version: 0.4.11
  4. Summary: Pip requirements.txt generator based on imports in project
  5. Home-page:
  6. Author: Vadim Kravcenko
  7. Author-email:
  8. License: Apache License
  9. Keywords: pip requirements imports
  10. Platform: UNKNOWN
  11. Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
  12. Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
  13. Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
  14. Classifier: Natural Language :: English
  15. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  16. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
  17. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
  18. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
  19. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
  20. Requires-Dist: docopt
  21. Requires-Dist: yarg
  22. =============================================================================
  23. ``pipreqs`` - Generate requirements.txt file for any project based on imports
  24. =============================================================================
  25. .. image::
  26. :target:
  27. .. image::
  28. :target:
  29. .. image::
  30. :target:
  31. .. image::
  32. :target:
  33. Installation
  34. ------------
  35. ::
  36. pip install pipreqs
  37. Usage
  38. -----
  39. ::
  40. Usage:
  41. pipreqs [options] [<path>]
  42. Arguments:
  43. <path> The path to the directory containing the application files for which a requirements file
  44. should be generated (defaults to the current working directory)
  45. Options:
  46. --use-local Use ONLY local package info instead of querying PyPI
  47. --pypi-server <url> Use custom PyPi server
  48. --proxy <url> Use Proxy, parameter will be passed to requests library. You can also just set the
  49. environments parameter in your terminal:
  50. $ export HTTP_PROXY=""
  51. $ export HTTPS_PROXY=""
  52. --debug Print debug information
  53. --ignore <dirs>... Ignore extra directories, each separated by a comma
  54. --no-follow-links Do not follow symbolic links in the project
  55. --encoding <charset> Use encoding parameter for file open
  56. --savepath <file> Save the list of requirements in the given file
  57. --print Output the list of requirements in the standard output
  58. --force Overwrite existing requirements.txt
  59. --diff <file> Compare modules in requirements.txt to project imports
  60. --clean <file> Clean up requirements.txt by removing modules that are not imported in project
  61. --mode <scheme> Enables dynamic versioning with <compat>, <gt> or <non-pin> schemes
  62. <compat> | e.g. Flask~=1.1.2
  63. <gt> | e.g. Flask>=1.1.2
  64. <no-pin> | e.g. Flask
  65. Example
  66. -------
  67. ::
  68. $ pipreqs /home/project/location
  69. Successfully saved requirements file in /home/project/location/requirements.txt
  70. Contents of requirements.txt
  71. ::
  72. wheel==0.23.0
  73. Yarg==0.1.9
  74. docopt==0.6.2
  75. Why not pip freeze?
  76. -------------------
  77. - ``pip freeze`` only saves the packages that are installed with ``pip install`` in your environment.
  78. - ``pip freeze`` saves all packages in the environment including those that you don't use in your current project (if you don't have ``virtualenv``).
  79. - and sometimes you just need to create ``requirements.txt`` for a new project without installing modules.
  80. History
  81. -------
  82. 0.4.11 (2020-03-29)
  83. --------------------
  84. * Implement '--mode' (Jake Teo, Jerome Chan)
  85. 0.4.8 (2017-06-30)
  86. --------------------
  87. * Implement '--clean' and '--diff' (kxrd)
  88. * Exclude concurrent{,.futures} from stdlib if py2 (kxrd)
  89. 0.4.7 (2017-04-20)
  90. --------------------
  91. * BUG: remove package/version duplicates
  92. * Style: pep8
  93. 0.4.5 (2016-12-13)
  94. ---------------------
  95. * Fixed the --pypi-server option
  96. 0.4.4 (2016-07-14)
  97. ---------------------
  98. * Remove Spaces in output
  99. * Add package to output even without version
  100. 0.4.2 (2016-02-10)
  101. ---------------------
  102. * Fix duplicated lines in requirements.txt (Dmitry Pribysh)
  103. 0.4.1 (2016-02-05)
  104. ---------------------
  105. * Added ignore option (Nick Rhinehart)
  106. 0.4.0 (2016-01-28)
  107. ---------------------
  108. * Walk Abstract Syntax Tree to find imports (Kay Sackey)
  109. 0.3.9 (2016-01-20)
  110. ---------------------
  111. * Fix regex for docstring comments (#35)
  112. 0.3.8 (2016-01-12)
  113. ---------------------
  114. * Add more package mapping
  115. * fix(pipreqs/mapping): remove pylab reference to matplotlib
  116. * Remove comments """ before going through imports
  117. * Update proxy documentation
  118. 0.3.1 (2015-10-20)
  119. ---------------------
  120. * fixed lint warnings (EJ Lee)
  121. * add --encoding parameter for open() (EJ Lee)
  122. * support windows directory separator (EJ Lee)
  123. 0.3.0 (2015-09-29)
  124. ---------------------
  125. * Add --proxy option
  126. * Add --pypi-server option
  127. 0.2.9 (2015-09-24)
  128. ---------------------
  129. * Ignore irreverent directory when generating requirement.txt (Lee Wei)
  130. * Modify logging level of "Requirement.txt already exists" to warning (Lee Wei)
  131. 0.2.8 (2015-05-11)
  132. ---------------------
  133. * Add --force option as a protection for overwrites
  134. 0.2.6 (2015-05-11)
  135. ---------------------
  136. * Fix exception when 'import' is used inside package name #17
  137. * Add more tests
  138. 0.2.5 (2015-05-11)
  139. ---------------------
  140. * Fix exception when 'import' is used in comments #17
  141. * Fix duplicate entries in requirements.txt
  142. 0.2.4 (2015-05-10)
  143. ---------------------
  144. * Refactoring
  145. * fix "import as"
  146. 0.2.3 (2015-05-09)
  147. ---------------------
  148. * Fix multiple alias imports on the same line (Tiago Costa)
  149. * More package mappings
  150. 0.2.2 (2015-05-08)
  151. ---------------------
  152. * Add ImportName -> PackageName mapping
  153. * More tests
  154. 0.2.1 (2015-05-08)
  155. ---------------------
  156. * Fix for TypeError for implicit conversion
  157. 0.2.0 (2015-05-06)
  158. ---------------------
  159. * Add --use-local option
  160. * Exclude relative imports. (Dongwon Shin)
  161. * Use "latest_release_id" instead of "release_ids[-1]" (Dongwon Shin)
  162. 0.1.9 (2015-05-01)
  163. ---------------------
  164. * Output tuning (Harri Berglund)
  165. * Use str.partition() to simplify the logic (cclaus)
  166. 0.1.8 (2015-04-26)
  167. ---------------------
  168. * Fixed problems with local imports (Dongwon Shin)
  169. * Fixed problems with imports with 'as' (Dongwon Shin)
  170. * Fix indentation, pep8 Styling. (Michael Borisov)
  171. * Optimize imports and adding missing import for sys module. (Michael Borisov)
  172. 0.1.7 (2015-04-24)
  173. ---------------------
  174. * Add more assertions in tests
  175. * Add more verbose output
  176. * Add recursive delete to Makefile clean
  177. * Update Readme
  178. 0.1.6 (2015-04-22)
  179. ---------------------
  180. * py3 print function
  181. 0.1.5 (2015-04-22)
  182. ---------------------
  183. * Add Readme, Add Examples
  184. * Add Stdlib into package
  185. 0.1.1 (2015-04-22)
  186. ---------------------
  187. * Fix regex matching for imports
  188. * Release on Pypi
  189. 0.1.0 (2015-04-22)
  190. ---------------------
  191. * First release on Github.