vendor.txt 496 B

  1. CacheControl==0.12.10 # Make sure to update the license in pyproject.toml for this.
  2. colorama==0.4.4
  3. distlib==0.3.4
  4. distro==1.6.0
  5. html5lib==1.1
  6. msgpack==1.0.3
  7. packaging==21.3
  8. pep517==0.12.0
  9. platformdirs==2.4.1
  10. progress==1.6
  11. pyparsing==3.0.7
  12. requests==2.27.1
  13. certifi==2021.10.08
  14. chardet==4.0.0
  15. idna==3.3
  16. urllib3==1.26.8
  17. rich==11.0.0
  18. pygments==2.11.2
  19. typing_extensions==4.0.1
  20. resolvelib==0.8.1
  21. setuptools==44.0.0
  22. six==1.16.0
  23. tenacity==8.0.1
  24. tomli==1.0.3
  25. webencodings==0.5.1