/login - POST login /login - DELETE logout /login - GET STATUS # INVENTORY inventory/items - GET -> get all items inventory/item - POST create items inventory/item/ - GET get item by id inventory/item/ - UPDATE item by id inventory/item/ - DELETE item by id inventory/sites - GET -> get all site inventory/site - POST create site inventory/site/ - GET get site by id inventory/site/ - UPDATE site by id inventory/site/ - DELETE site by id inventory/contacts - GET -> get all contact inventory/contact - POST create contact inventory/contact/ - GET get contact by id inventory/contact/ - UPDATE contact by id inventory/contact/ - DELETE contact by id inventory/groups - GET -> get all groups with items array id inventory/group - POST create group with items ids inventory/group/ - GET get group by id inventory/group//item/ - POST add item to group inventory/group//item/ - DELETE delete item to group inventory/group/ - DELETE group by id