from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union, ) from . import box, errors from ._loop import loop_first_last, loop_last from ._pick import pick_bool from ._ratio import ratio_distribute, ratio_reduce from .align import VerticalAlignMethod from .jupyter import JupyterMixin from .measure import Measurement from .padding import Padding, PaddingDimensions from .protocol import is_renderable from .segment import Segment from .style import Style, StyleType from .text import Text, TextType if TYPE_CHECKING: from .console import ( Console, ConsoleOptions, JustifyMethod, OverflowMethod, RenderableType, RenderResult, ) @dataclass class Column: """Defines a column in a table.""" header: "RenderableType" = "" """RenderableType: Renderable for the header (typically a string)""" footer: "RenderableType" = "" """RenderableType: Renderable for the footer (typically a string)""" header_style: StyleType = "" """StyleType: The style of the header.""" footer_style: StyleType = "" """StyleType: The style of the footer.""" style: StyleType = "" """StyleType: The style of the column.""" justify: "JustifyMethod" = "left" """str: How to justify text within the column ("left", "center", "right", or "full")""" vertical: "VerticalAlignMethod" = "top" """str: How to vertically align content ("top", "middle", or "bottom")""" overflow: "OverflowMethod" = "ellipsis" """str: Overflow method.""" width: Optional[int] = None """Optional[int]: Width of the column, or ``None`` (default) to auto calculate width.""" min_width: Optional[int] = None """Optional[int]: Minimum width of column, or ``None`` for no minimum. Defaults to None.""" max_width: Optional[int] = None """Optional[int]: Maximum width of column, or ``None`` for no maximum. Defaults to None.""" ratio: Optional[int] = None """Optional[int]: Ratio to use when calculating column width, or ``None`` (default) to adapt to column contents.""" no_wrap: bool = False """bool: Prevent wrapping of text within the column. Defaults to ``False``.""" _index: int = 0 """Index of column.""" _cells: List["RenderableType"] = field(default_factory=list) def copy(self) -> "Column": """Return a copy of this Column.""" return replace(self, _cells=[]) @property def cells(self) -> Iterable["RenderableType"]: """Get all cells in the column, not including header.""" yield from self._cells @property def flexible(self) -> bool: """Check if this column is flexible.""" return self.ratio is not None @dataclass class Row: """Information regarding a row.""" style: Optional[StyleType] = None """Style to apply to row.""" end_section: bool = False """Indicated end of section, which will force a line beneath the row.""" class _Cell(NamedTuple): """A single cell in a table.""" style: StyleType """Style to apply to cell.""" renderable: "RenderableType" """Cell renderable.""" vertical: VerticalAlignMethod """Cell vertical alignment.""" class Table(JupyterMixin): """A console renderable to draw a table. Args: *headers (Union[Column, str]): Column headers, either as a string, or :class:`~rich.table.Column` instance. title (Union[str, Text], optional): The title of the table rendered at the top. Defaults to None. caption (Union[str, Text], optional): The table caption rendered below. Defaults to None. width (int, optional): The width in characters of the table, or ``None`` to automatically fit. Defaults to None. min_width (Optional[int], optional): The minimum width of the table, or ``None`` for no minimum. Defaults to None. box (box.Box, optional): One of the constants in used to draw the edges (see :ref:`appendix_box`), or ``None`` for no box lines. Defaults to box.HEAVY_HEAD. safe_box (Optional[bool], optional): Disable box characters that don't display on windows legacy terminal with *raster* fonts. Defaults to True. padding (PaddingDimensions, optional): Padding for cells (top, right, bottom, left). Defaults to (0, 1). collapse_padding (bool, optional): Enable collapsing of padding around cells. Defaults to False. pad_edge (bool, optional): Enable padding of edge cells. Defaults to True. expand (bool, optional): Expand the table to fit the available space if ``True``, otherwise the table width will be auto-calculated. Defaults to False. show_header (bool, optional): Show a header row. Defaults to True. show_footer (bool, optional): Show a footer row. Defaults to False. show_edge (bool, optional): Draw a box around the outside of the table. Defaults to True. show_lines (bool, optional): Draw lines between every row. Defaults to False. leading (bool, optional): Number of blank lines between rows (precludes ``show_lines``). Defaults to 0. style (Union[str, Style], optional): Default style for the table. Defaults to "none". row_styles (List[Union, str], optional): Optional list of row styles, if more than one style is given then the styles will alternate. Defaults to None. header_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the header. Defaults to "table.header". footer_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the footer. Defaults to "table.footer". border_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the border. Defaults to None. title_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the title. Defaults to None. caption_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the caption. Defaults to None. title_justify (str, optional): Justify method for title. Defaults to "center". caption_justify (str, optional): Justify method for caption. Defaults to "center". highlight (bool, optional): Highlight cell contents (if str). Defaults to False. """ columns: List[Column] rows: List[Row] def __init__( self, *headers: Union[Column, str], title: Optional[TextType] = None, caption: Optional[TextType] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, min_width: Optional[int] = None, box: Optional[box.Box] = box.HEAVY_HEAD, safe_box: Optional[bool] = None, padding: PaddingDimensions = (0, 1), collapse_padding: bool = False, pad_edge: bool = True, expand: bool = False, show_header: bool = True, show_footer: bool = False, show_edge: bool = True, show_lines: bool = False, leading: int = 0, style: StyleType = "none", row_styles: Optional[Iterable[StyleType]] = None, header_style: Optional[StyleType] = "table.header", footer_style: Optional[StyleType] = "table.footer", border_style: Optional[StyleType] = None, title_style: Optional[StyleType] = None, caption_style: Optional[StyleType] = None, title_justify: "JustifyMethod" = "center", caption_justify: "JustifyMethod" = "center", highlight: bool = False, ) -> None: self.columns: List[Column] = [] self.rows: List[Row] = [] self.title = title self.caption = caption self.width = width self.min_width = min_width = box self.safe_box = safe_box self._padding = Padding.unpack(padding) self.pad_edge = pad_edge self._expand = expand self.show_header = show_header self.show_footer = show_footer self.show_edge = show_edge self.show_lines = show_lines self.leading = leading self.collapse_padding = collapse_padding = style self.header_style = header_style or "" self.footer_style = footer_style or "" self.border_style = border_style self.title_style = title_style self.caption_style = caption_style self.title_justify: "JustifyMethod" = title_justify self.caption_justify: "JustifyMethod" = caption_justify self.highlight = highlight self.row_styles: Sequence[StyleType] = list(row_styles or []) append_column = self.columns.append for header in headers: if isinstance(header, str): self.add_column(header=header) else: header._index = len(self.columns) append_column(header) @classmethod def grid( cls, *headers: Union[Column, str], padding: PaddingDimensions = 0, collapse_padding: bool = True, pad_edge: bool = False, expand: bool = False, ) -> "Table": """Get a table with no lines, headers, or footer. Args: *headers (Union[Column, str]): Column headers, either as a string, or :class:`~rich.table.Column` instance. padding (PaddingDimensions, optional): Get padding around cells. Defaults to 0. collapse_padding (bool, optional): Enable collapsing of padding around cells. Defaults to True. pad_edge (bool, optional): Enable padding around edges of table. Defaults to False. expand (bool, optional): Expand the table to fit the available space if ``True``, otherwise the table width will be auto-calculated. Defaults to False. Returns: Table: A table instance. """ return cls( *headers, box=None, padding=padding, collapse_padding=collapse_padding, show_header=False, show_footer=False, show_edge=False, pad_edge=pad_edge, expand=expand, ) @property def expand(self) -> bool: """Setting a non-None self.width implies expand.""" return self._expand or self.width is not None @expand.setter def expand(self, expand: bool) -> None: """Set expand.""" self._expand = expand @property def _extra_width(self) -> int: """Get extra width to add to cell content.""" width = 0 if and self.show_edge: width += 2 if width += len(self.columns) - 1 return width @property def row_count(self) -> int: """Get the current number of rows.""" return len(self.rows) def get_row_style(self, console: "Console", index: int) -> StyleType: """Get the current row style.""" style = Style.null() if self.row_styles: style += console.get_style(self.row_styles[index % len(self.row_styles)]) row_style = self.rows[index].style if row_style is not None: style += console.get_style(row_style) return style def __rich_measure__( self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions" ) -> Measurement: max_width = options.max_width if self.width is not None: max_width = self.width if max_width < 0: return Measurement(0, 0) extra_width = self._extra_width max_width = sum( self._calculate_column_widths( console, options.update_width(max_width - extra_width) ) ) _measure_column = self._measure_column measurements = [ _measure_column(console, options.update_width(max_width), column) for column in self.columns ] minimum_width = ( sum(measurement.minimum for measurement in measurements) + extra_width ) maximum_width = ( sum(measurement.maximum for measurement in measurements) + extra_width if (self.width is None) else self.width ) measurement = Measurement(minimum_width, maximum_width) measurement = measurement.clamp(self.min_width) return measurement @property def padding(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: """Get cell padding.""" return self._padding @padding.setter def padding(self, padding: PaddingDimensions) -> "Table": """Set cell padding.""" self._padding = Padding.unpack(padding) return self def add_column( self, header: "RenderableType" = "", footer: "RenderableType" = "", *, header_style: Optional[StyleType] = None, footer_style: Optional[StyleType] = None, style: Optional[StyleType] = None, justify: "JustifyMethod" = "left", vertical: "VerticalAlignMethod" = "top", overflow: "OverflowMethod" = "ellipsis", width: Optional[int] = None, min_width: Optional[int] = None, max_width: Optional[int] = None, ratio: Optional[int] = None, no_wrap: bool = False, ) -> None: """Add a column to the table. Args: header (RenderableType, optional): Text or renderable for the header. Defaults to "". footer (RenderableType, optional): Text or renderable for the footer. Defaults to "". header_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style for the header, or None for default. Defaults to None. footer_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style for the footer, or None for default. Defaults to None. style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style for the column cells, or None for default. Defaults to None. justify (JustifyMethod, optional): Alignment for cells. Defaults to "left". vertical (VerticalAlignMethod, optional): Vertical alignment, one of "top", "middle", or "bottom". Defaults to "top". overflow (OverflowMethod): Overflow method: "crop", "fold", "ellipsis". Defaults to "ellipsis". width (int, optional): Desired width of column in characters, or None to fit to contents. Defaults to None. min_width (Optional[int], optional): Minimum width of column, or ``None`` for no minimum. Defaults to None. max_width (Optional[int], optional): Maximum width of column, or ``None`` for no maximum. Defaults to None. ratio (int, optional): Flexible ratio for the column (requires ``Table.expand`` or ``Table.width``). Defaults to None. no_wrap (bool, optional): Set to ``True`` to disable wrapping of this column. """ column = Column( _index=len(self.columns), header=header, footer=footer, header_style=header_style or "", footer_style=footer_style or "", style=style or "", justify=justify, vertical=vertical, overflow=overflow, width=width, min_width=min_width, max_width=max_width, ratio=ratio, no_wrap=no_wrap, ) self.columns.append(column) def add_row( self, *renderables: Optional["RenderableType"], style: Optional[StyleType] = None, end_section: bool = False, ) -> None: """Add a row of renderables. Args: *renderables (None or renderable): Each cell in a row must be a renderable object (including str), or ``None`` for a blank cell. style (StyleType, optional): An optional style to apply to the entire row. Defaults to None. end_section (bool, optional): End a section and draw a line. Defaults to False. Raises: errors.NotRenderableError: If you add something that can't be rendered. """ def add_cell(column: Column, renderable: "RenderableType") -> None: column._cells.append(renderable) cell_renderables: List[Optional["RenderableType"]] = list(renderables) columns = self.columns if len(cell_renderables) < len(columns): cell_renderables = [ *cell_renderables, *[None] * (len(columns) - len(cell_renderables)), ] for index, renderable in enumerate(cell_renderables): if index == len(columns): column = Column(_index=index) for _ in self.rows: add_cell(column, Text("")) self.columns.append(column) else: column = columns[index] if renderable is None: add_cell(column, "") elif is_renderable(renderable): add_cell(column, renderable) else: raise errors.NotRenderableError( f"unable to render {type(renderable).__name__}; a string or other renderable object is required" ) self.rows.append(Row(style=style, end_section=end_section)) def __rich_console__( self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions" ) -> "RenderResult": if not self.columns: yield Segment("\n") return max_width = options.max_width if self.width is not None: max_width = self.width extra_width = self._extra_width widths = self._calculate_column_widths( console, options.update_width(max_width - extra_width) ) table_width = sum(widths) + extra_width render_options = options.update( width=table_width, highlight=self.highlight, height=None ) def render_annotation( text: TextType, style: StyleType, justify: "JustifyMethod" = "center" ) -> "RenderResult": render_text = ( console.render_str(text, style=style, highlight=False) if isinstance(text, str) else text ) return console.render( render_text, options=render_options.update(justify=justify) ) if self.title: yield from render_annotation( self.title, style=Style.pick_first(self.title_style, "table.title"), justify=self.title_justify, ) yield from self._render(console, render_options, widths) if self.caption: yield from render_annotation( self.caption, style=Style.pick_first(self.caption_style, "table.caption"), justify=self.caption_justify, ) def _calculate_column_widths( self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions" ) -> List[int]: """Calculate the widths of each column, including padding, not including borders.""" max_width = options.max_width columns = self.columns width_ranges = [ self._measure_column(console, options, column) for column in columns ] widths = [_range.maximum or 1 for _range in width_ranges] get_padding_width = self._get_padding_width extra_width = self._extra_width if self.expand: ratios = [col.ratio or 0 for col in columns if col.flexible] if any(ratios): fixed_widths = [ 0 if column.flexible else _range.maximum for _range, column in zip(width_ranges, columns) ] flex_minimum = [ (column.width or 1) + get_padding_width(column._index) for column in columns if column.flexible ] flexible_width = max_width - sum(fixed_widths) flex_widths = ratio_distribute(flexible_width, ratios, flex_minimum) iter_flex_widths = iter(flex_widths) for index, column in enumerate(columns): if column.flexible: widths[index] = fixed_widths[index] + next(iter_flex_widths) table_width = sum(widths) if table_width > max_width: widths = self._collapse_widths( widths, [(column.width is None and not column.no_wrap) for column in columns], max_width, ) table_width = sum(widths) # last resort, reduce columns evenly if table_width > max_width: excess_width = table_width - max_width widths = ratio_reduce(excess_width, [1] * len(widths), widths, widths) table_width = sum(widths) width_ranges = [ self._measure_column(console, options.update_width(width), column) for width, column in zip(widths, columns) ] widths = [_range.maximum or 0 for _range in width_ranges] if (table_width < max_width and self.expand) or ( self.min_width is not None and table_width < (self.min_width - extra_width) ): _max_width = ( max_width if self.min_width is None else min(self.min_width - extra_width, max_width) ) pad_widths = ratio_distribute(_max_width - table_width, widths) widths = [_width + pad for _width, pad in zip(widths, pad_widths)] return widths @classmethod def _collapse_widths( cls, widths: List[int], wrapable: List[bool], max_width: int ) -> List[int]: """Reduce widths so that the total is under max_width. Args: widths (List[int]): List of widths. wrapable (List[bool]): List of booleans that indicate if a column may shrink. max_width (int): Maximum width to reduce to. Returns: List[int]: A new list of widths. """ total_width = sum(widths) excess_width = total_width - max_width if any(wrapable): while total_width and excess_width > 0: max_column = max( width for width, allow_wrap in zip(widths, wrapable) if allow_wrap ) second_max_column = max( width if allow_wrap and width != max_column else 0 for width, allow_wrap in zip(widths, wrapable) ) column_difference = max_column - second_max_column ratios = [ (1 if (width == max_column and allow_wrap) else 0) for width, allow_wrap in zip(widths, wrapable) ] if not any(ratios) or not column_difference: break max_reduce = [min(excess_width, column_difference)] * len(widths) widths = ratio_reduce(excess_width, ratios, max_reduce, widths) total_width = sum(widths) excess_width = total_width - max_width return widths def _get_cells( self, console: "Console", column_index: int, column: Column ) -> Iterable[_Cell]: """Get all the cells with padding and optional header.""" collapse_padding = self.collapse_padding pad_edge = self.pad_edge padding = self.padding any_padding = any(padding) first_column = column_index == 0 last_column = column_index == len(self.columns) - 1 _padding_cache: Dict[Tuple[bool, bool], Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = {} def get_padding(first_row: bool, last_row: bool) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: cached = _padding_cache.get((first_row, last_row)) if cached: return cached top, right, bottom, left = padding if collapse_padding: if not first_column: left = max(0, left - right) if not last_row: bottom = max(0, top - bottom) if not pad_edge: if first_column: left = 0 if last_column: right = 0 if first_row: top = 0 if last_row: bottom = 0 _padding = (top, right, bottom, left) _padding_cache[(first_row, last_row)] = _padding return _padding raw_cells: List[Tuple[StyleType, "RenderableType"]] = [] _append = raw_cells.append get_style = console.get_style if self.show_header: header_style = get_style(self.header_style or "") + get_style( column.header_style ) _append((header_style, column.header)) cell_style = get_style( or "") for cell in column.cells: _append((cell_style, cell)) if self.show_footer: footer_style = get_style(self.footer_style or "") + get_style( column.footer_style ) _append((footer_style, column.footer)) if any_padding: _Padding = Padding for first, last, (style, renderable) in loop_first_last(raw_cells): yield _Cell( style, _Padding(renderable, get_padding(first, last)), getattr(renderable, "vertical", None) or column.vertical, ) else: for (style, renderable) in raw_cells: yield _Cell( style, renderable, getattr(renderable, "vertical", None) or column.vertical, ) def _get_padding_width(self, column_index: int) -> int: """Get extra width from padding.""" _, pad_right, _, pad_left = self.padding if self.collapse_padding: if column_index > 0: pad_left = max(0, pad_left - pad_right) return pad_left + pad_right def _measure_column( self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions", column: Column, ) -> Measurement: """Get the minimum and maximum width of the column.""" max_width = options.max_width if max_width < 1: return Measurement(0, 0) padding_width = self._get_padding_width(column._index) if column.width is not None: # Fixed width column return Measurement( column.width + padding_width, column.width + padding_width ).with_maximum(max_width) # Flexible column, we need to measure contents min_widths: List[int] = [] max_widths: List[int] = [] append_min = min_widths.append append_max = max_widths.append get_render_width = Measurement.get for cell in self._get_cells(console, column._index, column): _min, _max = get_render_width(console, options, cell.renderable) append_min(_min) append_max(_max) measurement = Measurement( max(min_widths) if min_widths else 1, max(max_widths) if max_widths else max_width, ).with_maximum(max_width) measurement = measurement.clamp( None if column.min_width is None else column.min_width + padding_width, None if column.max_width is None else column.max_width + padding_width, ) return measurement def _render( self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions", widths: List[int] ) -> "RenderResult": table_style = console.get_style( or "") border_style = table_style + console.get_style(self.border_style or "") _column_cells = ( self._get_cells(console, column_index, column) for column_index, column in enumerate(self.columns) ) row_cells: List[Tuple[_Cell, ...]] = list(zip(*_column_cells)) _box = ( options, safe=pick_bool(self.safe_box, console.safe_box) ) if else None ) # _box = new_line = Segment.line() columns = self.columns show_header = self.show_header show_footer = self.show_footer show_edge = self.show_edge show_lines = self.show_lines leading = self.leading _Segment = Segment if _box: box_segments = [ ( _Segment(_box.head_left, border_style), _Segment(_box.head_right, border_style), _Segment(_box.head_vertical, border_style), ), ( _Segment(_box.foot_left, border_style), _Segment(_box.foot_right, border_style), _Segment(_box.foot_vertical, border_style), ), ( _Segment(_box.mid_left, border_style), _Segment(_box.mid_right, border_style), _Segment(_box.mid_vertical, border_style), ), ] if show_edge: yield _Segment(_box.get_top(widths), border_style) yield new_line else: box_segments = [] get_row_style = self.get_row_style get_style = console.get_style for index, (first, last, row_cell) in enumerate(loop_first_last(row_cells)): header_row = first and show_header footer_row = last and show_footer row = ( self.rows[index - show_header] if (not header_row and not footer_row) else None ) max_height = 1 cells: List[List[List[Segment]]] = [] if header_row or footer_row: row_style = Style.null() else: row_style = get_style( get_row_style(console, index - 1 if show_header else index) ) for width, cell, column in zip(widths, row_cell, columns): render_options = options.update( width=width, justify=column.justify, no_wrap=column.no_wrap, overflow=column.overflow, height=None, ) lines = console.render_lines( cell.renderable, render_options, style=get_style( + row_style, ) max_height = max(max_height, len(lines)) cells.append(lines) row_height = max(len(cell) for cell in cells) def align_cell( cell: List[List[Segment]], vertical: "VerticalAlignMethod", width: int, style: Style, ) -> List[List[Segment]]: if header_row: vertical = "bottom" elif footer_row: vertical = "top" if vertical == "top": return _Segment.align_top(cell, width, row_height, style) elif vertical == "middle": return _Segment.align_middle(cell, width, row_height, style) return _Segment.align_bottom(cell, width, row_height, style) cells[:] = [ _Segment.set_shape( align_cell( cell, _cell.vertical, width, get_style( + row_style, ), width, max_height, ) for width, _cell, cell, column in zip(widths, row_cell, cells, columns) ] if _box: if last and show_footer: yield _Segment( _box.get_row(widths, "foot", edge=show_edge), border_style ) yield new_line left, right, _divider = box_segments[0 if first else (2 if last else 1)] # If the column divider is whitespace also style it with the row background divider = ( _divider if _divider.text.strip() else _Segment( _divider.text, row_style.background_style + ) ) for line_no in range(max_height): if show_edge: yield left for last_cell, rendered_cell in loop_last(cells): yield from rendered_cell[line_no] if not last_cell: yield divider if show_edge: yield right yield new_line else: for line_no in range(max_height): for rendered_cell in cells: yield from rendered_cell[line_no] yield new_line if _box and first and show_header: yield _Segment( _box.get_row(widths, "head", edge=show_edge), border_style ) yield new_line end_section = row and row.end_section if _box and (show_lines or leading or end_section): if ( not last and not (show_footer and index >= len(row_cells) - 2) and not (show_header and header_row) ): if leading: yield _Segment( _box.get_row(widths, "mid", edge=show_edge) * leading, border_style, ) else: yield _Segment( _box.get_row(widths, "row", edge=show_edge), border_style ) yield new_line if _box and show_edge: yield _Segment(_box.get_bottom(widths), border_style) yield new_line if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover from import Console from import ReprHighlighter from import Table as Table from ._timer import timer with timer("Table render"): table = Table( title="Star Wars Movies", caption="Rich example table", caption_justify="right", ) table.add_column( "Released", header_style="bright_cyan", style="cyan", no_wrap=True ) table.add_column("Title", style="magenta") table.add_column("Box Office", justify="right", style="green") table.add_row( "Dec 20, 2019", "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker", "$952,110,690", ) table.add_row("May 25, 2018", "Solo: A Star Wars Story", "$393,151,347") table.add_row( "Dec 15, 2017", "Star Wars Ep. V111: The Last Jedi", "$1,332,539,889", style="on black", end_section=True, ) table.add_row( "Dec 16, 2016", "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story", "$1,332,439,889", ) def header(text: str) -> None: console.print() console.rule(highlight(text)) console.print() console = Console() highlight = ReprHighlighter() header("Example Table") console.print(table, justify="center") table.expand = True header("expand=True") console.print(table) table.width = 50 header("width=50") console.print(table, justify="center") table.width = None table.expand = False table.row_styles = ["dim", "none"] header("row_styles=['dim', 'none']") console.print(table, justify="center") table.width = None table.expand = False table.row_styles = ["dim", "none"] table.leading = 1 header("leading=1, row_styles=['dim', 'none']") console.print(table, justify="center") table.width = None table.expand = False table.row_styles = ["dim", "none"] table.show_lines = True table.leading = 0 header("show_lines=True, row_styles=['dim', 'none']") console.print(table, justify="center")